COVID Vaccine and Dermal Fillers


What You Need to Know


3 of 30,000 trial participants in the Moderna vaccine trial experienced non-serious, delayed filler reaction in the area of previous dermal filler injection. Although we’ve seen slightly higher numbers in person, this is still an incredibly low number and nothing new from what we’ve seen with other vaccines in the past. These uncommon delayed reactions are treatable and here are some recommendations to avoid them entirely.

Our Recommendations:

  • Previous dermal filler placement SHOULD NOT deter you from seeking the COVID vaccine.

  • Give yourself a 2 week window before AND after any vaccinations and your dermal filler appointment. Always discuss with your provider any planned or recent vaccinations or procedures.

  • Should you experience abnormal swelling, pain, or irritation after dermal filler injection contact your provider immediately (as always) for proper treatment.

My Personal Experience

I’m now fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine and haven’t had any reactions with my dermal fillers. Unfortunately, no facial swelling (bummer) for me!

However, I do want to warn you of how you might do with the second shot. I don’t want to sugar coat it. I was down and out for a solid 26+ hours. This is normal and means that I had a “healthy immune response”. The following day, I jumped out of bed and was ready to take on the world again.

Therefore, plan ahead! You will want to plan to have the next day after the 2nd shot to lay low.


ZGMAD is a marketing and design studio headquartered in Santa Monica + Aspen, serving clients worldwide. We provide large agency expertise at an intimate scale, with powerful branding at the core of each project.

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